Breastfeeding 7 Months Still No Period
Its now 6 mo since she touched. Its more of a burning or dull throbbing pain than severe cramping.
He has a feed in bed in the morning but quickly gets bored and wanders off - I think this feed will go fairly soon and he will finally be weaned.
Breastfeeding 7 months still no period. - You are breastfeeding exclusively no other foods cereal - You are breastfeeding at least six times per day. - Breastfeeding at least every six hours at night. If you are formula feedingor supplementing youre more likely to get your first period soonersometimes as early as 8 weeks after birth.
Sounds like you are nursing a lot. Hoping this means ovulation is happening and that I get my period soon. Doc said many women THINK that you cannot get pregnant under these circumstances but have seen cases where women were breastfeeding no period and came into the office wondering how they got pregnant bc they thought they were not ovulating.
My baby turned 7 months old a little while ago and I still havent had a period. According to the lactation experts at the La Leche League on average those who exclusively breastfeed dont have a period while breastfeeding for 146 months. Still no period not breastfeeding.
For the last week I have been having menstrual like cramps that seem to be radiating down my legs and also into my back. Prepregnancy the day I experienced cramping was always the day Aunt Flo would make her appearance. Having no period while breastfeeding is normal.
DS is 15 months old and I am still breastfeeding - but only just. Over the past week my belly has been cramping moreso than not. The only thing keeping me from spending the money and taking a preg test is that the past few days I have EWCM.
I would like to think about TTC2 in the New Year but I am a bit worried about the fact I still havent had a period. Also if you have decided to go on birth control pills for a while the type of pill you decide on can also contribute to this. Menstrual like cramps but no period while breastfeeding.
I only nursed for 2 weeks and I still have yet to have my period. Lately my breast became sore but tolerable I also notice Im becoming more bloated and constipated. We are ttc but I am still breastfeeding my 12 month old.
20 Similar Discussions Found. Mothers who breastfeed may go without their period for weeks months and even years while breastfeeding. Because my period returned at 7 weeks ppm I had to resort to fenugreek capsules to increase my supply.
Ive started weaning her from 5 12 mo and only kept breastfeeding 2 times a day for 3 mo and then just once a day till she was 11 12 mo even then she was refusing my breast and i had to give her formula milk. It varies from person to person. This group averaged 257 months of breastfeeding and 145 months of amenorrhea.
I pump about 4 times a day since she day-weaned herself soon after solids at about 7 months and she nurses once before bed and some times once in the very early morning. -About 7 percent of women experience a period within the first six months postpartum. Im still breastfeeding my 15 month old baby and I had a regular period but since started to take mini pill last month it stopped.
Your period would then start two weeks later around 12 weeks after giving birth. Ive been breastfeeding for almost 7 months and have not had any signs of my period returning. Hi My little one is 17 mo old delivered by c-section.
If you are exclusively breastfeeding nursing through the night and not supplementing with any formula you. In contrast the 186 women who breastfed their infants according to prevailing cultural standards averaged 175 months of nursing and were amenorrheic for an average of only 103 months. Well if you didnt have any issues with your cycle and were regular before then it may come back once you wean completely.
07032009 at 343 am. I dont know if its because of the. Theres no usual time for you to ovulate again and for your periods to start again.
Jul 21 2014 at 403 PM. With my other two kids I didnt EBF and my period came back like a week after the post partum bleeding stopped. -37 percent within seven months to a year.
I have heard from several breastfeeding women who have cycles that can range anywhere from 28-98 days. I work for an obgyn and yes it is normal that a nursing mother not see her period. So it can be common to not get a period.
Mothers who bottle feed their babies will usually start their periods within a two to three months after giving birth. Ive been breastfeeding for 6 months and Ive had no period. If you are breastfeeding you may ovulate as early as 10 weeks after giving birth.
Stopped breastfeeding 6mo ago still no period. 56 of these women were amenorrheic for over 1 year and 34 had 18 months or more of breastfeeding amenorrhea. I am a little concerned.
Some mothers only regain their cycles once they have fully weaned their babies. If you continue to breastfeed you may have confusing and irregular periods for as long as you are breastfeeding. The Doctor says this is perfectly normal and one shouldnt expect one until you stop breastfeeding although some get theirs back once weaning is established.
Answers from Las Vegas on April 25 2008. We are EBF but I expected my period before this. She advised that you can still get pregnant even though there is no period and prescribed a birth control pill to prevent pregnancy.
The general rule though is that a missed period is considered more normal if. I was borderline PCOS and took a pill to jump start mine but I only got one period in February. I have been exclusively breastfeeding for over 7 months now and have not had my period since my son was born.
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